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Join date: Jul 14, 2023


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I am Sabrina Juthi—a doctor raised in a small country -Bangladesh. With aspirations held close, I set foot in Canada, driven by dreams of building a family and a future filled with promise. However, life had its own plans, and unexpected turns transformed my path.

Now, as a single parent, my daughter and I navigate the streets of Toronto, and our bond is growing stronger as we face the challenges that come our way. Life tests us, throwing obstacles like towering mountains, casting uncertainty upon our journey.

Yet, in the midst of solitude, we find solace in each other's presence. Holding hands, we draw strength from the depths of our souls. Though the road is tough, we believe that brighter days await us, when the storm subsides, and solid ground awaits our tired feet.

Will you join us on this journey? Together, let us navigate the uncharted waters, defying the odds, and discovering the resilience that lies within. In this tale of hope, we uncover the beauty of perseverance and the power of love.

Sabrina Juthi


Life Unscripted

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